[Discuss] Envienta- <<Offtopic>> Licensing student work

Pablo Kulbaba pablokulbaba at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 04:07:00 UTC 2016

Been following this thread with interest.
Thanks Franz for the austrian news. It's interesting as i've been in 
contact with university of Buenos Aires, Industrial Design career, 
assisting with a small presentation related to efficient stoves, as part 
of a yearly work of the students, which finished in 25 beautiful and 
original woodfuel kitchens ranges being lit at once in a parking lot, 
cooking meal, as a final test.
It was pyros paradise.

Turned out all those designs finished in the shadow of a drawer, or 
handed to the owner of a shop, to be sold as intellectual property. But 
none of them as Open Source. Year after year the same ritual is 
repeated. Massive quantities of beautiful design goes mostly nowhere.

Will try to translate that article. Already tried google translate, and 
the result is not good.

If interested in the kitchens designed, this is the album:

On 29/02/2016 08:54 p.m., Franz Nahrada wrote:
> One idea that I have is to raise voices in the community of people 
> with some multiplying influence or reputation.
> I am sure that Envienta does not want to enter the scene with bad 
> reputation.
> I suggest to write a short draft letter stating in a very friendly way 
> that Open Source Ecology is widely recognized and "branded" as the 
> original work of Marcin Jakubowski, which is more real and substantial 
> to me than to stress an Open Source definition which is as you write 
> not shared by the general public.
> Franz Nahrada
> Global Villages Network
> Vienna, Austria
> by the way, on the side: in Austria we are having a very nice 
> "scandal" about a university (TU Wien) which decided to protect 
> students designs for refugee housing with a true Open Source License. 
> The professional chamber of Architects lamented that this means 
> "ruining the profession" and they sparked a public debate ...
> for those fluent in German its a bounty: 
> http://derstandard.at/2000031774902/Architekten-Protest-gegen-TU-Lehrveranstaltung
> "First they ignore you, then they fight you, and then you have won".
> *The Open Source Hardware Association Discussion List 
> <discuss at lists.oshwa.org <mailto:discuss at lists.oshwa.org>> schreibt:*
> Thanks for the feedback. I will assume that Envienta is not operating 
> maliciously and request that they do not use Open Source Ecology - in 
> good faith, as team players.
> The intent of OSE applying the Open Source Ecology trademark was to 
> prevent anyone from blatantly misusing the Open Source Ecology term - 
> such as by using Open Source Ecology to refer to projects that do not 
> meet the open source definition. Envienta appears to be using NC 
> <http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Why_OSE_Doesn%27t_Support_the_Use_of_Creative_Commons_Non-Commercial_Licenses>, 
> which is not an open source pursuant to the open source definition.
> This is fuzzy territory, because few people understand that Open 
> Source has a rigorous definition from OSI 
> <https://opensource.org/osd-annotated>and OSHWA 
> <http://www.oshwa.org/definition/>that means beyond 'something cool.'
> Perhaps the 'friendly reminder' could serve as a starting point of 
> discussion on these issues, and I'm sure many people will take the 
> discussion in good faith.
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