[Discuss] compiling information on documentation issues and "github for hardware"

Catarina Mota catarinamfmota at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 17:14:01 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I'm very excited with the discussions taking place around open source
hardware documentation, best practices, and a "github for hardware." As
most of you may know, we're hosting a
hackathon<http://www.opensourcewarehouse.org/>in NYC (April 26 - 28)
precisely to debate these issues and try to arrive
at a proposal that works for as many people as possible. We're super busy
planing the event - and doing our day jobs - so no one from the organizing
team currently has the time to extract all useful information from this
debate, which is spread out through many email threads.

Would any of you documentation enthusiasts be able to help with this, by
fine combing the threads and pulling out the comments/suggestions/arguments
we should bring to the table during the event? I just want to make sure
this is not lost and can actually be acted upon.

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