[Discuss] the Jam and Vienna Open Source Summit

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Sat Mar 9 08:48:34 UTC 2013

Dear Catarina, dear all:

Here is just to let you know how incredibly glad I am / we are here in
Europe about these developments!
The initiative for the Vienna Summit came from the very notion that Open
Hardware needs a social covenant creating procedures and standards.
And its good to see that your efforts could reverberate fast and
meaningful in more corners of the world.

Its also good to see Marcin co-lead the effort, he has a great vision that
needs to be merged with the holistic authenticity of living communities.
I was instrumental twice in bringing him over to Europe, back in 2004 at
Oekonux 3 and 2009 with the help of Barbara Pitschmann (+) of the
Subversive Fair.
We all felt that something important was going to come out of OSE and
likes, but this latest step marks a real transition beyond my wildest

Seems this is a time of real breakthroughs. Just a fortnight ago RunRev
succeeded kickstarting LiveCode to become the free and open HyperCard of
the 21st century,
I am definitely sure that this is the ideal interface building kit to any
type of electronically driven hardware, allowing every user to embed
complex automation of his / her own needs into the control decice, which
will be a mobile phone, tablet or PC. Hopefully we will soon see the first
control devices as Open Hardware, too.
What really stroke me, though, was that a hardcore commercial startup like
RunRev decided to at least partially leave the path of "intellectual
property" to create a software commons and thrive with it.

So we can really build on this momentum, and we plan to also focus on
small and medium businesses to start engaging in Open Hardware
Please make sure that one or more contributors from the Jam come to Europe
to report about the results. The timing is incredibly favorable.
you can drop me a line or you also look at our call and fill it in:


looking forward to see your achievements and meet you here in Vienna!
Already we have a number of exciting guests, and during & after the summit
we plan for a Global Villages Innovation Camp, bringing some of our rural
innovation centers together.

Franz Nahrada
Global Villages Network
Vienna  Austria

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