[Discuss] Suggestions for the OSHWA website and FAQ?

Catarina Mota catarina at openmaterials.org
Mon Sep 24 21:43:39 UTC 2012

- A step by step of how to open source the right away: what files should be
published, when they must be up by (shipping, not 6 months later), etc.
This is one of the questions we get most frequently at OSHWA. People decide
to open source something but don't necessarily know what it's required to
comply with the definition.

- The unspoken rules of OSHW as described by Phil.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:37 PM, phillip torrone <pt at oreilly.com> wrote:

> a list of oshwa companies - elevate and celebrate oshw makers, a nice list
> of companies would be really cool for folks to see this is a real thing.
> cheers,
> pt
> On Sep 24, 2012, at 5:01 PM, "David A. Mellis" <dam at mellis.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > A while back, Alicia asked me to help update the content on the OSHWA
> > website and, in turn, I'd like to ask you for your help. In
> > particular, I'm interested in expanding the content of the FAQ
> > (http://www.oshwa.org/faq/) to make it more useful to those looking
> > for information about open-source hardware and OSHWA.
> >
> > What questions would you like to see answered in the FAQ?
> >
> > What information and advice would you offer to those interested in
> > open-source hardware?
> >
> > I know that this is a busy time - with the Open Hardware Summit and
> > Maker Faire approaching - but I wanted to raise the question now so we
> > can think about it during the summit. Suggestions welcome now or
> > later.
> >
> > David
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