[Discuss] Greetings! And membership

Devlin Thyne dthyne at dh-global.com
Tue Jul 3 16:11:49 UTC 2012

I think $100 per year is reasonable for members. In other words: "I'd 
pay that!"

As an alternative to paying membership fees for students, perhaps a 
professor or member's recommendation would work. That gets really close 
to judging merit and would cause additional work in the organization 
making such a membership option unfeasible.

Thank you,

On 07/02/2012 03:46 PM, Alicia Gibb wrote:
> Hey all,
> We're working on putting our by-laws together and introducing
> membership. The main reason for membership is so that you all can vote
> for things like future board members!
> We've looked at a lot of membership strategies. Unfortunately, the law
> around non-profits won't allow public votes on issues - only the members
> of the group, so we want to have the most inclusive membership
> possible. Some memberships are fee based, some are merit based. Since we
> didn't want to get into judging merit, we are considering moving towards
> a fee-based membership. We are hoping to cover costs from domain hosting
> to assisting the Summit costs with membership fees. Please give us your
> feedback on the amount we're asking and the benefits of membership.
> Annual membership: $100 per year
> Student rate: Suggestions?
> Benefits:
> + Voting in board members (we hope to vote in 3 more board members via
> membership in Sept.)
> + Voting on other topics that require a broader community vote
> + Reduced ticket prices for the Summit
> + Opportunity to chair a program for OSHWA
> + Sticker?
> Thanks,
> Alicia
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