[Discuss] Introducting Wikifab: wiki-based platform for open hardware projects.

Clément Flipo clement at wikifab.org
Mon Sep 5 16:42:41 UTC 2016


Pierre Boutet and I have co-founded Wikifab <http://en.wikifab.org>: a
Mediawiki-based platform for sharing and collaborating on open hardware

We built the platform to be powerful, flexible and intuitive so that its
users only need to think about building their project.

After a year of development and discussion with the community, we're
confident that Wikifab is now ready to be shared with you!

Here is what you should know:

*#1. Wikifab is a non-profit organisation *which stands for free knowledge
and doesn't contain advertising or other promotional publicity.

*#2. This is a BETA:* Wikifab is still a work in progress. Things can
sometimes break, the data is not always accurate and you'll probably bump
into some unexpected things that we haven’t thought of yet. Bear with us,
we're getting there and really appreciate your support.

*#3. Small but growing: *The number of tutorials on Wikifab is limited. So
you might not find the project you’re looking for... yet. We encourage you
to add tutorials to Wikifab, and we’re doing our part by adding new
tutorials on a monthly basis.

*#4. Our code <https://github.com/Wikifab/wikifab-main> is open source (MIT
License):* You can run a Wikifab instance on your own server. If you need
support for an install, contact us, we are here to help! Feel also free to
send us your lines of code via Github to improve the software.

*#5. We like feedback: *Your experience, thoughts and other feedback is all
really appreciated and we have made space for it on the community forum
<http://feedback.wikifab.org>. What's missing, what do you love, what would
you like to see? We promise to look into it and it really helps us in
making the right decisions to improve Wikifab.

*#6. Subscribe to our newsletter *to get monthly updates from our team in
your inbox : http://bit.ly/2auHkqX

Welcome on board!


*Clément Flipo *| @Clément
co-founder | strategy | partnerships
+33 6
t: @wiki_fab <https://twitter.com/wiki_fab>
f: facebook.com/wikifab.org

*      Free Tutorials*
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