[Discuss] Collaborative CAD

Marcin Jakubowski marcin at opensourceecology.org
Sat Sep 3 03:14:24 UTC 2016


If you are interested in collaborative CAD development, we are building an
open source CAD file for our open source CEB Press. The goal is to generate
a fully-editable FreeCAD file tomorrow. We are building it from a STEP/DXF
file generated in proprietary CAD software - which is not editable in
FreeCAD. Our goal is to demonstrate a workflow where complex CAD drawings
can be generated in days with a design sprint swarm - instead of weeks by a
dedicated draftsperson. See more info and join us at 1 PM CST USA tomorrow,
Sep 3, 2016 for a Design Sprint on this.


>From there, we will generate exploded part animations and 2D fabrication
drawings all in FreeCAD.

As an aside, we linked up with http://wikifab.org today - a very promising
template based semantic Mediawiki for open hardware documentation, check it
out <https://www.facebook.com/OpenSourceEcology/posts/10155215040256562>.


*Full Disclosure Agreement:* OSE works openly. All conversations in this
email are intended to be transparent and subject to sharing, with due
respect. OSE does not sign NDAs in order to promote collaboration. All of
our work is libre or open source. If you are discussing potential
development collaboration, your work must also be open source pursuant to
the Open Source Hardware Association definition

See Global Village Construction Set TED Talk
<http://www.ted.com/talks/marcin_jakubowski>. Sign up for our Design Sprints
<http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/OSE_Design_Sprint>. Subscribe as a True
Fan <http://opensourceecology.org/community/#truefans>. See Tsu
<https://www.tsu.co/OpenSourceEcology> or Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/OpenSourceEcology> for updates. Subscribe to
monthly update OSEmail <http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/OSEmail>. Donate
to our 501(c)3 <http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Other_donation_options>.

Marcin Jakubowski, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Open Source Ecology
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