[Discuss] EOMA68 Libre Hardware Standard and Libre Software project, currently crowd-funding (deadline expires 26th aug 2016)

lkcl . luke.leighton at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 15:40:58 UTC 2016

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Chris Church
<thisdroneeatspeople at gmail.com> wrote:

> readily to mind. So long as its owners agree, a for-profit corporation may
> take costly pollution-control and energy-conservation measures that go
> beyond what the law requires."

 as long aaaaaas doing soooo does nooooot interferrrre with the
primary bottom liiiine, which is to "maximise profits".

 now, if the directors and shareholders agree to *change the articles
of incorporation* that's a totally different matter.  there's even a
recognised boilerplate template called a "Benefit Corporation" (US
designation - the UK variant is "Community Interest Company") but
guess what?  standard VCs don't *want* to invest in "Benefit
Corporations"!  they want their dividends, guaranteed!

 read professor yunus' book.  it will save me a lot of typing and also
reduce bandwidth consumption on misunderstandings.


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