[Discuss] OSHW development policies

alicia amgibb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 20:42:56 UTC 2014

Awesome! Thanks for the translation, we will put it up in the oshw
reference guide! It would be super awesome to get tax cuts for open source
hardware. This is certainly something we've brought up to lawmakers in the
US, but our congress is a little... uncooperative these days, we've been
told it is not the right time to ask for tax cuts in oshw. But perhaps
Ecuador could lead the charge - that would be very exciting to be able to
point to you guys!


On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Andrés Delgado <andres at delgado.ec> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Thank you!
> I already read this, but it is good to have it in more than one language
> so... here you go:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17zBAPinCno0Y6h5pf73PQKSGbrkVDIewoiBnCa4Pgnw/edit?usp=sharing
> Nevertheless policies are way more general "To promote the use of open
> source hardware through the promotion of its use within the public
> administration" as an example, and then from there you create strategies
> to accomplish that policy: "Create a task force with the ministry of
> production to analyze the total capacities of open source hadware in the
> web and its possible application in public universities".
> These examples come from nowhere but this is more or less what I'm
> trying to do for OSHW.
> Also  now we are proposing a new law:
> http://coesc.educacionsuperior.gob.ec/index.php/Organic_Code_for_the_Social_Knowledge_and_Innovation_Economy_of_Ecuador
> And some laws might get implemented if we can make good proposals. Let's
> say zero taxation for those enterprises meeting the requirements of
> "open innovation" as described by the national secretariat. Let's say.
> I hope that helps.
> - --
> Atentamente,
> Andrés Delgado
> http://andres.delgado.ec
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