[Discuss] discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 106

Marketply contact at marketply.org
Wed Mar 27 23:47:00 UTC 2013

I'd add that each small change to hardware must also often resolve engineering
issues, safety, dealing with physics (durability, practicality, etc) and types
of material.

Marino Hernandez
just a founder of Marketply

> On March 27, 2013 at 12:50 AM Matt Maier <blueback09 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Complexity might not be the right concept. In my mind the biggest factor is
> that it's harder to get away with mistakes in hardware projects. So, it's not
> that there are inherently more factors than in software, it's that more of
> those factors are relevant because they can cost you a significant amount of
> money.

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