[Discuss] patents around 3D printing

Matt Joyce matt at nycresistor.com
Tue Apr 23 19:30:54 UTC 2013

Well I guess it depends on what they do with the patents.

Part of it could be self defense.  If they intend to survive an inevitable
patent litigation with stratsys or someone else... they will need their own
patent war chest to counter sue with.

Sad to say, but this could be entirely a legal defense tactic.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Matt Maier <blueback09 at gmail.com> wrote:

> What do you guys think about stuff like this?
> http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,201914,201954
> It seems that Mr. Pettis is trying to patent the idea of a socially
> networked 3D print server.
> On the one hand, I'm like, if it's a novel idea then sure, go get a patent
> and license your heart out. On the other hand, I feel like everything in
> the patent is blindingly obvious to anyone even remotely familiar with the
> subject, which means they shouldn't be able to get a patent on it. The rule
> is that it has to be non-obvious, not just that nobody has done it yet.
> I mean, there's nothing new about a drag-n-drop interface, or a print
> server, or sending "internet of things" updates to websites, and combining
> all of them with respect to 3D printers is already under discussion. But,
> you know, nobody's actually done it yet.
> So should the open source community let this kind of thing go, or should
> the community try to watch out for and stop this kind of thing?
> -Matt
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