[Discuss] Questions about this list

Andrew Plumb andrew at plumb.org
Sat Sep 15 20:15:29 UTC 2012

That is rather strange.  There's been plenty of discussion here but the http://lists.oshwa.org/pipermail/discuss/ archive is empty.

Mailing list configuration issue, Alicia?


On 2012-09-15, at 2:59 PM, Kirill Krinkin wrote:

> Hello,
> It's strange that this mailing list is empty. There could be lots of questions around. For instance,
>  - how to translate pages to language i'm interested in from http://www.oshwa.org/?
>  - how to participate in meetings?
>  - where kind of road map can be found?
> Sincerely,
> Kirill krinkin
> _______________________________________________
> discuss mailing list
> discuss at lists.oshwa.org
> http://lists.oshwa.org/listinfo/discuss


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